Canis Falls Academy- Year One Read online

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  “Are you insane? Do you know what those things can do?”

  I turned to face a set of angry blue eyes.

  Before I could answer, he’d grabbed my hand and was tugging me back to the academy. The effort it took to stay on my feet while he pulled me forward proved too much and, yet again, I was tumbling to the ground. Something sharp, perhaps a broken limb or a sharp rock cut into the flesh of my thigh and I called out in pain.

  Colton let out a frustrated breath. “We don’t have time for this. We need to get you back to campus, and fast. There could be dozens of them out here, Brinley.”

  He reached for me, tugging me up into his arms before taking off toward the campus. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trying desperately to keep myself from falling as he ran. Limbs smacked at my face as we ran a maze through the trees, burning a path that zigged and zagged, probably to confuse whoever might have been following us. I pressed my face to his neck to keep the limbs from scraping his face, trying to ignore the delicious scent of him and the feeling of his arms wrapped tightly around me as he carried me. But it was all too much for me. I pulled myself closer to him, nuzzling my nose closer to his throat.

  He cursed, picking up speed until we were just outside of the academy. Once there, he lowered me to the ground, ran a hand through his short blond hair and began pacing. The muscles in his jaw worked, tightening his expression.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you realize it would only take them seconds to cross that lake?”

  “He didn’t want to hurt me,” I said without thought, but for some odd reason that felt right. If he could have crossed that lake in seconds, there was nothing and nobody there to stop him.

  I thought back on his actions. The way his head tipped to the side and his mouth opened as if he were trying to communicate with me. Whatever he’d been trying to do, he was frustrated it wasn’t working.

  Colton glared at me, the muscles in his arms bulging as he clenched his fists at his side. “Brinley, those things are dangerous. They tried to kill you and your grandmother.”

  He paused for a moment, sniffing the air. Whatever scent he caught had him stepping closer, his eyes raking my body as he searched for it. “You’re bleeding.”

  I was so caught up in everything I’d forgotten I cut myself when I fell. Now, with him reminding me of it, a sharp pain lanced through my thigh. I winced as his hands found the spot.

  “We need to get that cleaned up. It could be infected.”

  I stepped away from him. “I’m fine. I’ll bandage it when I get back to the dorm.”

  “I’ll walk with you,” he offered in a way that told me there was no talking him out of it. Shoving his hands in the pocket of his jeans, he began walking towards the dorm with me walking with him.

  There was an uncomfortable quiet between us, and he kept his distance, making sure he was at least a few feet away from me as we walked. When I didn’t feel his presence beside me, I stopped and looked back to where he was standing. He furrowed his brow, appearing to be in deep thought before returning his attention to me.

  “You said he didn’t want you.”

  It was a statement instead of question. Still, I gave him a tight nod, wondering where he was going with it.

  “What made you so sure?”

  “Well,” I began, but I wasn’t exactly sure what I’d say. As far as people in Canis Falls were concerned, Nephrites were nothing but creatures, failed experiments who’d lost their ability to communicate or act on their own. They were violent, ravenous, and wanted nothing more than destroy everything and everyone in their wake. Animals, is what they’re often called, though it didn’t quite seem right to me. Especially given what I’ve seen and heard of them.

  Colton was giving me an impatient stare and I had to say something, but I wasn’t sure what to trust him with. If the others knew my mother was trying to help the Nephrites during her time here, they might hold that against me and I’d never be able to figure out what really happened to her. I hadn’t known Colton but a few days and in the short time I’d known him, he’d been nothing but rude. But everything in me wanted to trust him. Not just because I was attracted to him, though I’m sure that did play a small part in it. But also because I’d gotten nowhere with anyone else. Professor Stallion directed all my questions back to my grandma who in turn, gave very little for an answer. Even if he wasn’t exactly trustworthy, I could probably get some small piece of information from him.

  “Everyone here seems to think they’ve lost the ability to communicate,” I said, studying his reaction. “But what if we’re all wrong. I mean, on some level, they’d have to be able to communicate with each other, especially to carry out a plan as risky as the one they’d attempted a few days ago. Right?”

  I saw the wheels turning in his head as he considered what I’d said. Before, it would have been easy to think they acted on nothing more than anger and instinct, considering they’d never left Canis Falls and every encounter the shifters had with them had been violent. But for them to risk exposure by trying to kidnap me, there had to be a plot behind it. Some sort of cognitive thinking that, to be honest, made the even more of a threat if it were true.

  Colton looked around nervously before placing a hand on my shoulder. “This may not be the best time to talk about this. Can you meet me in my room an hour after orientation tomorrow?”

  “Sure, but why? I doubt…”

  He held a finger to his lips to silence me. “Promise me you won’t talk to anyone else about this until we’ve had a chance to talk.”

  I gave him my word and we walked in silence back to my dorm.

  Chapter Five


  “So you’ve decided to go to orientation after all?” Amber grinned, a sly grin that laid bare exactly what she was thinking.

  I’d told her about my encounter with Colton, though I’d left a few details out. Not because I couldn’t trust her. Amber had been by my side for the past few days, helping me adjust to Canis Falls society. She’d opened up to me about issues with her family, past relationships, and a lot of personal things about her I’m sure she didn’t want shared with the rest of the school. If she was able to trust me with that information, I should have been able to trust her.

  I did for the most part, but with Colton’s warning ringing in my ear, I had to keep quiet about the details of our conversation. At least until I knew why Colton demanded the secrecy.

  I rolled my eyes at her, plucking a heart shaped pillow from my bed and tossing it at her. She ducked just as it was about to hit her, and instead it smacked against the wall behind her.

  “It’s not like there’s anything wrong with crushing on the dude. He’s nice looking enough. It’s just that…” She bit her lip, something she’d often done when considering whether it was a good idea for her to say something to me. I opened my mouth to ask her what it was, but before I could say anything, she continued. “I don’t know if he’s someone you should put your trust in. There’s a lot about him you don’t know, yet.”

  “Like what?”

  She walked over to me and took a seat beside me on the bed. Tossing a lock of blonde hair over her shoulders, her purple eyes rested on me, she took in a deep breath. “Colton isn’t like anyone else here. He’s more than just a Cobalt. He was born during a blood moon.”

  My shoulders pushed up into a shrug when she regarded me with a severe stare. When she realized I had no idea what she was talking about, she let out a nervous laugh.

  “Of course, you don’t understand what that means. Well…”

  The sound of knuckles rapping against the door had us both turning our heads towards it. Amber rushed off to open the door, stepping back to allow Sergio in. His dark hair was slicked away from his face and for the first time, I was struck stupid with how incredibly gorgeous he looked. Dressed in pair of dark blue jeans and a thin blue sweater that stretched smoothly over his strong chest, he flashed me a boyish grin that lit his golden eyes.

  “Are you guys ready?”

  I looked down at my outfit, a plain white baby-tee and a pair of blue jeans. I wasn’t exactly dressed to impress like they were, but it would have to do. Standing up, I picked up my jacket and shrugged it on before heading toward the door.

  He greeted me with a hug that felt friendly and cautious.

  “We’re ready,” Amber beamed, tugging on a pair of high heels before heading for the door.

  The commons area was filled with people dressed to moon in the latest fashions and I couldn’t help but feel underdressed. I’d managed to order a few articles of clothes and have them delivered to the school earlier that day, but I hadn’t expected everyone to be so well dress. I’d opted for a few pairs of jeans and some t-shirt, thinking comfort was my best option but, looking back, I wish I hadn’t.

  Amber left us the moment we walked in, bouncing through the crowd in a red dress that put me to shame. She disappeared amongst a group of shifters who shared her same purple eyes.

  “Relax, Nena, you’re among your own people now,” Sergio’s smooth baritone washed over me and I realized I’d been tensed.

  Taking a deep breath, I allowed myself to relax for the first time since being at the academy.

  Sergio swept past me, grabbing my hand and tugging me to the back of the room where a group of students had gathered far from the other groups. They all met my gaze with golden eyes, eyes that reflected their classification. From what I’d read earlier, my eyes would change color as well, once I’d made my first shift and was able to be classified. I only hoped I wouldn’t remain a Citrine for much longer. Not that there was something wrong with them. With only the ability to shift, they had it easier, never being called on for assignments outside of the school which made their lives easier. They’d take on jobs after the academy, high-ranking positions within the city. But, I wanted different. I had no desire for politics. Hell, if I was honest, I had no desire for much of anything that required me sitting around a desk much of day, catering to a bunch of rich assholes.

  As we approached, Sergio released me hand to introduce me to everyone within the group. They each took turns stepping forward and offering their hands. Casey, the blonde who held an arrogant air about her, gave me a tight nod. Seth was all too eager to meet me, coming in for a hug that nearly toppled me over. I gave him a slight squeeze before gently pushing him aside, my nose crinkling as his alcohol laced breath touched it. He staggered back with a grin. A few others offered their hand before stepping back into their places and falling back into whatever conversation they were having before I arrived.

  I immediately felt small next to them, considering the shortest one was Casey at around five feet, ten inches with lean muscles that flexed as she moved. Sergio standing beside me made me feel comfortable around the group. He held a quiet confidence that made it easy for me to relax and simply be myself. More than that, he was fucking gorgeous from the way his dark hair was swept away from a face with sharp angles in just the right places, to the way his full lips curved into a smile that flashed a row of white teeth. His eyes sparkled golden flecks as he looked at me.

  “These will be your peers while you’re still classified Citrine,” he said with a Hispanic accent.

  He leaned his thick frame against the wall, folding his arms over his chest.

  I dipped her head to acknowledge him before I was pummeled with a slew of questions by the others.

  “Where are you from?” One, perhaps Seth, asked before another dismissed the question altogether with a question of her own. “Why didn’t you attend Canis Falls High?”

  Before I could answer any of them, Sergio pushed himself from the wall and held up a hand to silence them. “I’m sure she’ll give us all the scandalous details of her time away from Canis Falls when she’s ready. Right now, give the girl a chance to settle in. We’re not even sure she’s Citrine yet.”

  “Let me guess,” Casey said with a smirk. “Another late bloomer they dumped in our laps…”

  And again, all eyes were on me. I felt a flush come to my cheeks as their eyes darted between me and Sergio, eager for an answer.

  “Well…” I began.

  Sergio stepped forward. “Regardless of why she’s here, we’ll treat her like our own until she receives the proper classification.”

  “Fuck that.” Casey pointed a harsh glare at me. “I’m sick of them sticking us with mongrels. We’ve welcomed enough of them and for what? The moment they are classified higher than us, they turn their noses up at us. If she wants my respect, she’ll have to earn it like everyone else. Excuse me.”

  She pushed past me, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she passed.

  A frown tugged at my lips. I hadn’t considered my classification would be such an issue. From what I’d understood, everyone started off as Citrines until they were able to present their full talents. Why would my situation be any different?

  Sergio watched her leave before returning his attention to me. “They’ll come around.”

  I wasn’t so certain but I smiled anyway. A smile he returned with one of his own as he stepped toward me and tossed his arm around my shoulder. He guided my steps toward the center of the room, pointing out everyone of importance. In the far corner to my right, just beneath a cathedral-sized window was the group of Amethysts Amber had abandoned us for.

  “They are the magic wielders of the Academy, led by none other than Phillip Baxton. He’s the one in the corner.”

  I allowed my gaze to fall upon Phillip. Another overly handsome man who stood, his back pressed up against the wall, confident as ever. His full lips tugged up into a smile at something he’d just heard before laughter escaped him. His lavender eyes sparkled as he laughed, the bulk of his frame trembling. Smooth dark skin shone where the light hit it with a tinge of red that told me he was part Native American, along with a sharp nose and wavy dark hair long enough to touch the middle of his back. He wore his hair pulled back into a ponytail I wanted nothing more than to run her fingers through. When his eyes met me, she flicked her gaze away.

  “The Cobalts are over there.” He thrust a finger in the direction of the entrance.

  They came to a stop before the buffet table, filled with enough food to feed an army.

  “And you’re the Citrine’s Alpha.”

  He flashed me a wide smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I am.”

  “You don’t seem all too thrilled with that title,” I said, regretting it when his smile was tugged into a frown.

  He removed his arm from my shoulder and opened his mouth to say something before closing it, perhaps thinking it better not to say anything. Instead, he changed the subject.

  “So, you’re a late bloomer.”

  It was a statement, not a question. Still, I felt the need to explain myself.

  “I was raised outside of the community. My father believed it had dampened the magic from me, giving me nothing to tether to for my first shift.”

  Sergio scratched his chin. “That’s certainly possible, though I’ve never heard of such a thing. Either way, I’m sure you’ll shift soon. We’ll just need to figure out how to trigger that shift.”

  “Look what we have here,” a smooth tenor cut into our conversation.

  I turned to meet a pair of purple eyes. It was Phillip. Somehow he’d managed to sneak up on us.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say we got ourselves another worthless Citrine, more human than shifter.”

  He said it loud enough his voice bounced from the walls and I cringed. A series of whoops and chuckles sounded around me.

  “Back off, Phillip,” Sergio said, the muscles of his arms flexing.

  “You back the fuck off, before I…”

  Amber came between the two, pushing them away from each other.

  “She just got here, Phillip. Could you give the girl a chance to settle in before you pounce on her.”

  He issued her a smile, but I could tell he didn’t mean it. “Fine, bu
t I wish the academy would stop taking in strays.”

  He walked past me after giving me a look that let me know I’d be seeing more of him. A lot more of him.

  Chapter Six


  Colton laid stretched across his bed in nothing more than a pair of slacks that hang low on his hip. The muscles of his back rose and dipped along with the steady pace of his breath, and I didn’t know if it was my encounter with Sergio that caused it, but I itched to touch him. To slide my palms along his smooth, sun-kissed skin. To feel the heat of him against my palms.

  I closed the door behind me, stepping further into the room. A cool breeze swept into the room, cooling my overheated skin as I gazed down at the man, marveling at the planes and dips of his back as he slept. I should have let him sleep. It was clear to me from the lines that etched sharp patterns in his face he was stressed, even as he slumbered. The corners of his lips were tight and tugged downward and his brows were knitted together. Even asleep, he found no peace and that brought an ache to my heart, an ache that had me placing a calming hand on his shoulder.

  As if spurred on by the touch, he flipped on to his back, grabbing my wrists and dragging me down with him. I landed on top of him and his arms slid around my waist, pulling me close enough I could feel the hard length of him pressing against my thigh.

  I froze, trying to process the sensation of being so close to him. His woodsy scent made me dizzy with need as his hand slid beneath the bottom of my t-shirt, scorching a path of fire where his skin connected with my back. His hand slid up my back and he tugged again, raising his hips upward almost insistently and fuck if I didn’t want him right then. But when I looked up at him, his eyes were still closed with that same worried expression, I was sobered right then. He was still asleep, probably dreaming about someone else and taking those actions out on me.

  I tensed up and tried to pull myself away from him but his arms held me still. When I tried again, his eyes opened. Confusion gave way to a heated gaze so intense it sent heat to my core. But that was almost instantly replaced with anger.