Canis Falls Academy- Year One Read online

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  Pushing him from me, I made quick work of his jeans and the boxers beneath them, tossing them to the side. My breath hitched at the size of him. It had been a while since I’d lost my virginity to a boy I had no desire to get to know beyond that and even then, he hadn’t been this huge. Excitement, with a tinge of trepidation slid through me when he pushed me down, undressing me just as impatiently as I’d undressed him, and looking at me with those same smoldering eyes that told me he wanted me as badly as I wanted him.

  He settled himself beside me, resting his head on one hand while the other lined a path down my belly, dipping lower until he was cupping my sex. His thumb circled my clit, sending a delicious spike of pleasure through me that had me pushing my hips forward to meet his touch. He applied more pressure and sensation of his touch combined with the cool breeze that crept into the tent sent me bursting with ecstasy.

  I bucked against his hand as bliss poured through me, and even then, it wasn’t enough. A pained whimper escaped me as his lips claimed mine in a kiss that borderlined feral. He settled himself on top of me, bracing himself with his arm next to me, the other hand gripping my thigh. Without delay, he slid inside me, inch by inch, a little too careful for my liking. I raised my hips to meet his and he smiled down at me.

  “Impatient, Nena?” he said with a smirk.

  Before I could form words to answer him, he sank inside me, stealing my thoughts and words as pure bliss seized me. He eased back before plunging into me again, this time much deeper and with enough power to steal my breath as he worked himself in and out of me at a pace that should have been impossible, but damn did it feel right. I clung him, stroking the muscles of his back. He groaned and pumped faster, sending me over the edge with a cry that split the night air with the sound my release. He followed me over, his fingers digging into my thigh as he propelled himself to his own release.

  Dipping his head to claim my lips, he kissed me with a fury I’d never felt from him before, taking my breath away until, with a curse, he slid to my side. He wrapped his arm around me, tugging me to him, holding me as if I were a prized possession he dared anyone to touch. In that moment, I was his, completely and he was mine.

  Chapter Eight


  Waking up to Brinley tucked up safely in my arms should have been the highlight of the day. At least it had been at first when I’d pried my eyes open, only to find her gloriously naked body pressed up against my side with nothing but a comforter to shield us from view. But when my phone began to belt out its unbearable ringtone, a curse slipped from my lips.

  By the sound of the ringtone, a tune that grated my ears every time I’d heard it, I could tell it was my mother who equally grated my nerves. Reaching for my cell phone, I glanced down at the screen, grimacing at the display. Yes. It was her alright, her timing as impeccable as usual.

  I tapped the red image to silence the noise. Whatever scheme she’d concocted to see herself amongst the ranks of the strongest political families in Canis Falls, I wanted no part in it. Especially after the night I’d had.

  Images of Brinley beneath me stroked a fire that had been burning through me all night. She’d been perfect in every way imaginable. My cock stiffened in agreement. My Nena, a beautiful combination of strength and vulnerability and I couldn’t help the smile that crept across my face.

  I leaned over, tucking a strand of loose dark waves behind her ear. She stirred a bit, melting into my touch before her breathing evened out and she was back to her peaceful slumber. The way she responded to my touch spurred a protective instinct within me and I knew, in that moment, I would do anything I could to keep her safe.

  Tossing my phone aside, I laid down beside her, wrapping my arms around her tiny frame. The thought of spending my morning with her in my arms brought another to my face, but I had other plans. My cock throbbed insistently, making its demands known. I caressed the soft skin of her shoulders, loving the feel of her skin beneath my fingertips. Just as I was about to make my move, the phone rang again. Dammit, I should have turned off the ringer or the phone al together, but the fact she’d called again meant it was something important enough she’d make a trip to the academy just to see me if I didn’t answer and I didn’t need that.

  Grumbling, I pried myself away from Brinley, and tugged on my boxers. I picked up the phone and exited the tent. Cold air slapped at my chest and I realized for the first time that morning just how cold the September air was up in the mountains. Especially in human form. I should have taken a jacket.

  Jerking myself from those thoughts, I hit the green indicator and pulled the phone to my ear.

  “Mijo! Why did you not answer the phone?” Her tone was stark.

  “What do you want?”

  “Oh, I just wanted to speak to my son. You didn’t come home over the summer. I missed you.”

  I rolled his eyes at that, knowing it to be a lie. My mother had been all too happy to ship me off to the academy. It was one less mouth to feed and brought her one step closer to her goals. She’d made that clear the moment I’d chosen my path into politics, making it a point to remind me of how much I owed her for the dispensable task of taking care of me in my youth, something she was supposed to do but wanted praise for nonetheless. Like she deserved a fucking cookie for having to raise me.

  “Its been difficult these last few months without you here. I think its time for you to visit your poor mother.”

  That was the last thing I wanted to do. I thought back on my last few visits. She’d paraded me around potential donors, the upper class of Canis Falls like a prized horse that would carry her to victory. Cobalts and Amethysts who snubbed their noses at us unless they wanted something, and being acquainted with high-ranking political figures was something they all wanted.

  I wasn’t dumb to that fact. I knew the lengths they would go to gain power, even if on some small scale. They’d kept their control by keeping the Citrines in their pockets and squashing any attempt made by us to promote equal treatment of all Canis Falls residents. And my mother would throw me to the wolves if doing so would line her own pockets.

  “I’ll try to visit as soon as I can.”

  Silence stretched between us and I was hopeful that would be the end of the conversation. It would’ve been nice to have an honest conversation with her, one where she didn’t have an agenda or a card to play. But as time ticked by, I knew this wouldn’t be one of those times. I could almost hear the wheels turning in her head as she tried to come up with a way to say whatever had motivated her to call in the first place.

  I listened as she let out a slow exaggerated breath. “Mijo, I hear you’re hanging out with the Emerald’s daughter.”

  And there is was. I should have known this call would come. She’d always managed to figure out exactly what I was doing and who I was doing it with, though I couldn’t quite figure out how. As a Citrine herself, she had no pull over anyone at the school, yet somehow she’d been able to get eyes on me.

  “Is it true she’s been classified Citrine?”

  “Yes. Why does that matter?”

  She didn’t answer. Instead, she steered the conversation in another direction. “There’s talk around the academy she has potential to be the next Emerald. I want you to stay close to her.”

  Not that I’d planned on leaving her side anytime soon but my mother’s interest in her made me second guess that decision. If she thought for one second she could use Brinley to gain favor with the upper-class, I had no doubt she’d do just that and the thought of it sickened me.

  “I doubt that’ll be a possibility if she were an Emerald,” I said and the thought brought a lump to the back of my throat.

  “Nonsense. She wasn’t raised here. She doesn’t understand the social norms as we do. She might just surprise you.” She huffed into the phone. “Anyway, I’d really like to see you soon, Mijo. I’m expecting you within the week.”

  She hung up before I could protest, her way of letting me know she wouldn’t h
ear any argument against it.

  The conversation rattled me, far more than any others we’ve had. She was interested in Brinley, which could only mean trouble for the girl but why? What did she have planned? Whatever it was, I would find out and put a stop to it.

  A sliver of magic slid through me so faintly at first I’d barely registered it. But the longer I stood out there, the more pronounced it got. I could feel something tugging at me, calling to me from deep inside myself as I stood out in the clearing, the rush of cool air doing nothing to quell the heat that rising up in me. It dizzied me enough I nearly fell over. But as quickly as it had come, it was gone, replaced by a gentle thrum of magic that sat comfortably in my chest as if it belonged there. I reached for it, trying to figure out what it was. It was a feeling I’d only ever heard described by Amethysts or Cobalts before. Certainly nothing I’d ever expected to experience but it was there, clear as day.

  As I focused on the sensation of it, I could feel the world around me, much sharper than I’d ever been able to before. It was if the trees, the grass, and the Earth itself were calling to me, though I couldn’t figure out why.

  A sharp cry sounded from behind me and I jerked myself around, terror filling me as I rushed back to the tent. I’d expected to see Brinley there, with her green eyes looking up at me. Instead, I saw something that made my brought an ache to my chest.

  My Nena. The girl who’d been so perfect for me in every way and yet, she hadn’t been at all. The thought struck me with grief as I looked at her standing before on all fours, her black fur glistening where the light struck it. Her eyes were still green, though I knew that would change soon to display her true classification, a classification that made me a lessor being than her. And though I wanted to believe Brinley would be different, I couldn’t allow myself even a moment to allow that hope to manifest.

  She cocked her head to the side, worry swimming in those green eyes I’d come to love and I couldn’t do anything for her. The first shift was always complicated, confusing, scary and exhilarating all at once but she’d managed to control herself enough I hadn’t even known what was happening.

  I turned away from her, cursing the heavens for the injustice.

  Another sliver of magic slid through me and before I knew it, her hand was on my shoulder, gliding over the muscles there.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked and the question choked me up. Here she was, having just experienced her first shift and she was worried about me when it should have been the other way around.

  Everything. Everything was wrong. I’d allowed myself to feel something for this girl who’d surely turn her back on me the moment she realized what this meant and I’d be stuck again, lonely and heartbroken. I thought back on my first shift. With a Citrine mother and Cobalt father, I was certain I’d at least stand among the ranks of Amethysts. But when I’d shifted during the full moon and my eyes turned hazel to gold, I knew what that meant. My father left us that day. Having already suffered enough for choosing a Citrine mate, his only son being Citrine was too much for him to bare. I’d believed him when he said it wouldn’t matter, when he’d said he’d be proud of me no matter what I was to become, but it had all been a lie. And though I didn’t want to believe it, Brinley would do the same.

  How could she not? She was Cobalt, stronger, faster, bred for battle. There was nothing she’d need from me that others couldn’t provide her with.

  She snaked her arms around my chest, hugging me tight and that made what I had to do even harder as I tried to process everything.

  “You’re Cobalt,” I whispered, the words forcing themselves from my lips.

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  The question was so innocent I nearly caved. I wanted to turn around, to hold her to me. I wanted to kiss her and make love to her again but I knew what that would mean. I knew the hurt that would come from it and gods was it painful. My mind was spinning so much I couldn’t find the words to tell her everything it meant for us, everything it would mean for her future. All I could do was walk away, and that’s exactly what I did, leaving her there without another word.

  Chapter Nine


  Walking the halls alone was something new for me, but it was something I’d had to get used to. With Sergio doing all he could to avoid me, and Amber taking on extra course work, I had no one to turn to, no one to talk to and for the first time in my life I felt completely alone. I’d called my grandmother a few times over the past couple weeks just to hear her voice. Talking to her always calmed me, but lately, even that did little to ease the ache I felt burrowing its way into my chest.

  I sat off to the side in my Canis Falls politics class, trying to keep myself busy but I always found my gaze sliding toward Sergio who’d made it a point to avoid eye contact with me. His shoulders slumped, he kept his eyes to the front of the class under the guise of paying attention to Professor Lee but I knew the truth. Every so often I’d feel his heated gaze at my back and I wanted to scream from the frustration of it all.

  “You’re Cobalt.”

  The words tumbled through my mind, along with the grim weight of those words as he’d said it and my stomach clenched. It did little to explain the cold shoulder he was giving me but at least he hadn’t been cruel about it.

  I thought back on my first experience with sex. Carl Norris. With a name like that, I should have known he’d be trouble but I’d given him a chance. Not that I wanted a relationship with him. The thought of being tied down at seventeen had very little appeal to me, still he was nice enough I felt I could trust him. It had been a mistake. The day after, he’d managed to convince the entire school I was a freak and willing to do just about anything in bed. He doubted I’d been a virgin at all, given how ‘easily’ I’d given it up and I was the whore of the school. I remembered the hurt that had caused me, but it in no way compared to the agony I experienced being so close but so far from Sergio.

  The bell rang and he fled from the room, something he’d done since our time together at the waterfall and pain slammed through me again. Again, I found myself wanting to cry, wanting to chase after him and seek answers. And, again, I did nothing. If he didn’t want me, I could live with that. I just wished I’d known how he truly felt before I’d given myself to him.

  I sauntered out of the classroom, ignoring the ribbing Philip delivered on the damn near daily basis. I had enough on my plate and there was nothing he could do to make me feel worse than I already had. Turning toward the dorms, I rushed past the throng of students who loitered in the hallway, past the commons area, and into the dorm building. Once inside my room, I tossed my books aside and threw myself in the bed. As usual, Amber was nowhere to be seen and that was fine with me. I needed the quiet, I needed a moment to think about everything and nothing at all. I needed…peace.

  I woke up a few hours later to the sound of music coming from Amber’s side of the room. I looked over at her. She was seated at the desk, scrolling through her social media page with the music turned up loud enough I was sure they could hear it next door. Ignoring the temptation to force her to turn it down, I pushed myself to sit on the edge of the bed.

  She turned to face me, those purple eyes falling on me almost uneasily, as if she’d been worried I’d be angry with her. That was another thing I was starting to realize changed between us. The moment she’d discovered I shifted outside of a full moon, she’d been distant, doing everything she could to stay away from me. While I could understand her reasonings, I needed her to know I wasn’t like the others. I didn’t believe in the social constructs of Canis Falls as much as they did, and the last thing I needed was someone walking on eggshells around me.

  “I can turn it down, if you want,” she said, reaching for the speakers.

  I shook my head. “I don’t mind.” It was a lie but, as I said, I didn’t want her to think she had to walk on eggshells around me.

  She dipped her head and returned her attention back to the screen. After a few moment
s, my stomach grumbled noisily and she was up on her feet.

  “You’re hungry. Let’s go the cafeteria and grab you something to eat.”

  We grabbed a table by the door, far away from the other students. I shoved around a few remaining pieces of asparagus while waiting for Amber to finish her meal.

  “Are you okay?” She shoved a piece of bread in her mouth and chewed. “You’ve been so out of it lately.”

  “I’m not the only one,” I grumbled, shoving my plate aside.

  Amber cocked her head to the side before a nervous smile crept across her lips. Combing her hand through her golden hair, she met my gaze full on, something I hadn’t realized she’d been avoiding until that moment.

  “You’re right,” she said, finally. “I’ve just been nervous. Most Cobalts change the moment they’ve fully shifted. I guess I was expecting you to do the same.”

  “And now?”

  She straightened herself in her seat. “The jury is still out on that.”

  I frowned at that but she continued as if she hadn’t noticed.

  “Look. Things are different here. You and I both know that. We’ll be falling in with different crowds, forced to accept we’re all different and…”

  “You know what I find funny. You’re Amethyst, part of Phillip’s crowd right?”

  She gave a tight nod, worry creasing her brow.

  “But I’d never treated you differently regardless of how bad the Amethysts had been. I’ve always shown you the same amount of respect you’ve given me and yet, I’m being judged for something I had no control over. I don’t see how any of that is fair.”

  “It isn’t.” It came as a whisper but I knew she’d meant it. She gave me a warm smile this time. “How about we go…”